Not selling myself short

So Modbe is offering a cruise to it's top consultants. For the first couple weeks after it was announced I was on the fence about how I felt. Sure it would be fun but I really don't like to set myself up for failure and would hate to let myself think, dream, plan for it and then not get it. Then I thought THAT IS A REALLY BAD ATTITUDE! I really do believe that we make our own destinies SO..... KEVIN AND JOY ARE GOING ON A CRUISE! I am going to do all I can and earn this. The more I thought about it the more excited I became. We always have had kids with us if we went someplace and that is great, we love being with our kids but....

So IF you have been eyeing a new Modbe swimsuit or a pair of Jeans or anything else NOW would be a great time to call me and we will put a party together! You get FREE stuff and I will know I have truly done my all and be content with the outcome :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you!! If anyone can do can Joy. And if I decide to buy anything...I'll let you know. :)