Getting Ready

We have had a wonderful time with all the pre-Christmas fun. Kevin spent a Sat. putting up lights on our house and bushes. For some one who "enjoys" heights as much as Kevin this was a really event. Not only did he climb up on our home he also helped a neighbor do his also.
We put up our Christmas tree and all the kids help decorate (and undecorate - Clark). We even made some popcorn strings but Sarah was the only one with enough patience to finish hers.
In years past we have hung our stockings on our banister but we now have too many to fit there. Joy made a new stocking hanger and new stockings for our family.
We have loved all the fun reminders of the fun that we share this time of year. We are very blessed to have a warm home, food to fill us, healthy bodies, wonderful friends and family and the cornerstone to all that - a loving Heavenly Father and the gospel of his only begotten son Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Your new stockings and stocking hanger are super cute! I love Christmas and the magic it brings with it!